
TPEs and the Medical Industry

TPEs have been used for several years in the medical industry. They were initially adopted as
replacements for SBR, latex, and polyisoprene. Those materials did not offer design freedom, and TPEs had similar stress-strain performance. TPE materials can also be easily extruded, which makes them appropriate for tubing and elastic bands. Characterized by softness and suppleness, TPEs also appeal to consumers and are therefore popular for many healthcare products used in a home setting.
Early TPE formulations were considered for thermoset stopper replacement in syringes but failed to meet performance requirements. New formulations and other advances, however, have improved performance of TPEs for stopper applications. As TPE technology has evolved, these materials are being considered for overmolded designs to enhance the feel, ergonomics, and aesthetics of the final part.
Desirable attributes such as softness and ease of molding provide opportunities for TPE use in medical applications such as orthopedics, surgical equipment, syringe plungers, needle shields, face masks, resuscitator and breathable bags, and home-use medical devices. With new formulations, these materials help to address regulatory, performance, design, and cost requirements.
learn more: http://www.gainshinetpe.com/tpes-and-the-medical-industry.html

