
Advantages of Thermoplastic Elastomer

Advantages of Thermoplastic Elastomer

  • Author:tony
  • Source:slideshare
  • Release on :2015-06-19
1. Advantages of Thermoplastic ElastomerThermoplastic Elastomer is a plastic or substance which is polymer resin whilemanufacturing. It is often confused with polymer plastic. However, it hascompletely different properties, and it is being used worldwide. 

2. of Rubbers. Hence just like Synthetic Rubber TPE Plastics are durable, stretchable,or has an elasticity and of course, the great strength. Though it has inherited theprosperities of Synthetic Rubber, it has many more benefits than rubber. 

3. Weight in waterIt is light in weight due to injected hydrogen. The light weight also helps business economically by saving transportation and labor cost. It is completely water proof.HygienicIt is hygienic and TPE foam is used for covering fabric or to provide backingproduct made up of different fabric. 

