
Casting processing

Casting processing

Cast molding casting process is generally not exert pressure on the less demanding strength equipment and molds for products small size limits within the article stress low. Thus, less productive investment, good performance can be obtained large parts, but a longer production cycle, must be machined after molding. On the basis of the traditional casting, derived perfusion, inlay casting, pressure casting, spin casting and centrifugal casting methods.  perfusion. This method of casting difference: finished product that is escaping from the casting mold; and perfusion mold is part of the preparation itself.  inlay casting. The various non-plastic parts placed in a mold cavity, and the injected liquid material cured together, so it encapsulated therein.  pressure casting.
 When casting exert a certain pressure on the material in favor of the viscous material into a mold, and shorten the filling time, mainly used for epoxy resin casting.  spin casting. After the material injected into the mold, the mold at a lower speed of rotation around the single-axis or multi-axis, the material distributed by gravity to the die cavity wall by heating, curing and stereotypes. For the manufacture of spherical, tubular and other hollow products.  centrifugal casting. The amount of the liquid material injected into the high-speed rotation around the single-axis, and the heated mold, the material will be distributed by centrifugal force to the walls of the mold cavity, by physical or chemical action cured tubular or hollow cylindrical articles. Monomer cast nylon parts can also be molded centrifugal casting method.

